Matthew Onsum

Matthew Onsum

Company: Calico Life Sciences

Job title: Head of Computing


Decoding Age-Related Diseases Using Machine Learning 1:30 pm

Delving into the importance of using human data to drive discovery efforts using a of examples from biobanks Leveraging machine learning to look at radiology images to discover novel phenotypes Carrying out underlying genetics to see what drives image phenotypesRead more

day: Day Two

Propel a Digital Culture Shift by Devising Strategies to Better Obtain Data & Augment Its Quality 10:30 am

AI algorithms, particularly deep learning models, require large and high-quality datasets to make accurate predictions and generate meaningful insights. In drug discovery and preclinical development, obtaining comprehensive and well-annotated datasets can be challenging due to the complexity and diversity of biological systems. Moreover, experimental data can be expensive and time-consuming to generate, leading to limited…Read more

day: Pre-Conference Day

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