Mridul Mehta

Mridul Mehta

Company: GEn1E Lifesciences

Job title: Chief AI Architech


Panel Discussion: Making Data Universally Accessible to Move Towards Standardized Approaches 11:30 am

Overcoming unwanted bias and time lost in data processing and management How to merge multiple data sources to understand new disease targets? How can AI be leveraged to support multi-omic data integration?Read more

day: Day Two

End-to-End ML Approach to Identify Subphenotypes & Trajectories in Heterogeneous Diseases 8:30 am

Exploring heterogeneous diseases to identify meaningful phenotypes to aid drug discovery Using this approach on ARDS to enable the identification of meaningful subphenotypes with high accuracy The combination of curating high-quality datasets and using sophisticated ML opens the possibility of scaling the approach to other heterogeneous diseasesRead more

day: Day One

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