Hanson Wade Group have taken the decision to cancel this meeting. Please do accept our apologies for any inconvenience or
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8:55 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

  • Christine Bakan Global Head, Group Vice President, Computational Science & Informatics R&D, Roche

Deep Diving Into Methods to Maximize Vendor Selection & Qualification

9:00 am Integrate AI Processes Across Functions by Strengthening AI Model Selections & Qualifications for Drug Discovery

  • Monica Wang Head of Biologics & Novel Modalities Discovery, Takeda


  • Assessing the current state of the field and the best approaches to utilising the latest AI/ML technologies including the large language models for drug discovery
  • Transitioning into the next generation techniques for protein design
  • Streamlining cross functional relationships and elucidating the future towards successfully predicting immunogenicity and developability for biologics

9:30 am Roundtable Discussion: Bridging the Gap Between Industry & Vendors


  • Identify new AI-native partners and learn to better manage existing partnerships to further integrate AI processes across functions
  • ML and data-centric CROs: how can you be sure your CRO can provide valuable data-centric solutions? CROs that can deliver usable data rather than just PDF reports
  • Role of Service Providers: how to get them to be collaborators and provide AI/ML expertise and tools
  • Data strategy discussions with solution providers, especially considering the scarcity of high-quality data in the drug discovery field
  • How involved should CROs and AI solutions be in the drug discovery process?

This session is your opportunity to share your most pressing challenges, and work in small groups to come up with solutions you can implement right away! Each topic area will have several small groups, and each group will have 20 minutes to discuss ways to bridge the gap between industry and vendors. Groups will then share their findings with all attendees, giving you maximum exposure to new ideas! 

10:00 am Morning Break & Networking

Data Deep Dive: Overcoming the Data Generation Bottleneck

11:00 am A Delve Into the Pivotal Strategies to Enhance AI/ML Solutions’ Trustworthiness


  • Improving AI/ML solutions’ explainability, reproducibility, and interpretability
  • Illustrating the experiences and efforts in place to optimise the use of AI/ML
  • Discussing the present requirements and future considerations, including regulatory standards

11:30 am Panel Discussion: Making Data Universally Accessible to Move Towards Standardized Approaches

  • Christine Bakan Global Head, Group Vice President, Computational Science & Informatics R&D, Roche
  • Peter Skewes-Cox Director, Data Science, Novartis Biomedical Research
  • Mridul Mehta Chief AI Architech, GEn1E Lifesciences


  • Overcoming unwanted bias and time lost in data processing and management
  • How to merge multiple data sources to understand new disease targets?
  • How can AI be leveraged to support multi-omic data integration?

12:00 pm Lunch Break & Networking

Reducing Drug Attrition Through AI-Enhanced Safety Profiling & Toxicity Prediction

1:00 pm AI-Driven Discovery of Safe, Tumor-Specific Immunotherapies Through the Lenses of RNA Splicing


  • Using AI to analyze RNA-seq data and prioritize neoepitopes encoded by tumor-specific splicing isoforms
  • Delve into the use of biopsies from different cohorts of patients with tumor vs. normal tissues to avoid off-target effects
  • Validated novel neoepitopes predicted with AI through a case study in triple negative breast cancer

1:30 pm Decoding Age-Related Diseases Using Machine Learning


  • Delving into the importance of using human data to drive discovery efforts using a of examples from biobanks
  • Leveraging machine learning to look at radiology images to discover novel phenotypes
  • Carrying out underlying genetics to see what drives image phenotypes

2:00 pm Improved AI/ML Models to Bridge the Translational Chasm

  • Sandor Szalma Global Head of Computational Biology, Takeda Development Center Americas, Inc


  • AI/ML approaches to de-risk targets
  • AI/ML models to predict toxic liabilities of complex therapeutic modalities
  • AI/ML models to select patients

2:00 pm Afternoon Break & Networking

What’s Next? Illuminating the Windows of Opportunity for AI/ML Methods in Healthcare

3:00 pm Transforming Drug Discovery Efforts by Leveraging Generative AI Alongside AI/ML Methods to Better Identify Drug Targets & Develop Small Molecules

  • Ajit Mohapatra Director, Digital & AI Architecture & Engineering, GSK


  • Success and failures using the latest generation of advanced computational technologies
  • How could AI’s potential be used for end-to-end success?
  • Tapping into various AI methods and leveraging them for specific capabilities within a broad range of therapeutic areas

3:30 pm Roundtable Discussion: Benchmarking Data Sets to Decide the State-of-the-Art Methods


  • Diversifying and selecting data to enhance their quality
  • Spotlighting the efforts in place to improve data sharing
  • When innovation is faster than regulatory updates, what do you do?

This session is your opportunity to share your most pressing challenges, and work in small groups to come up with solutions you can implement right away! Each topic area will have several small groups, and each group will have 20 minutes to discuss ways to improve data sharing. Groups will then share their findings with all attendees, giving you maximum exposure to new ideas! 

4:00 pm Panel Discussion: Defining the Route Towards Investments for AI-Enabled Drug Discovery & Preclinical Development

  • Uli Schmitz Executive Director Structural Biology and Chemistry, Gilead Sciences
  • Monica Wang Head of Biologics & Novel Modalities Discovery, Takeda
  • Petrina Kamya Global Head of AI Platforms, VP Insilico Medicine; President, Insilico Medicine Canada, Insilco Medicine Canada


  • Delivering the promise of AI by proving AI discoveries can be translated into drugs or benefits
  • What are the attributes that draw investors’ interests?
  • Delving into start-up hurdles, VC funding and grants: how do you bring business acumen to big partnerships?

4:30 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

  • Arvind Rao Associate Professor, Computational Medicine & Bioinformatics, Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan